
Sunday 7 June 2009

1 Peter 1:6-9

Peter makes no bones about the fact that sometimes things will be hard, but that does not mean we are destined to be miserable! Instead we greatly rejoice, because we are protected by the Lord. Note that we do suffer grief in all sorts of trials. Living by faith does not mean we find everything easy, nor that our lives will be free from physical or emotional pain. But we rejoice because we know that they are not pointless. Instead they have come so that our faith can be refined.

When we go through difficulties it enables us to sort out what is really important. Moreover, it teaches us to rely on what is truly reliable. It helps us to realise that our faith is the most precious thing we have. Faith is powerful, and it will result in glory and honour when Christ is revealed. This will happen supremely when Christ returns, but we can also receive foretastes of this now. For sometimes we see at least something of the victory in this life.

Peter had seen Jesus, whereas his hearers and us have not. This puts us in no worse a position. Rather we are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. Note that this happens now, and that we are receiving the goal of our faith (ie present continuous). There is a fairy tale gospel that says if we have enough faith everything will be alright, we will enjoy unending prosperity, and suffer nothing. This is unbiblical nonsense. As Paul says, we have to go through many trials in entering the kingdom of heaven, but I will say it again that this does not mean destined to a life of misery. Far from it. We should expect to receive this glorious joy. We should expect to experience receiving the salvation of our souls, ie there should be times when we become aware of the work that God is doing in us, making us more and more like His Son Jesus Christ.

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