
Monday 16 April 2018

Amos 3:9-15 - I punish Israel for her sins

Ashdod represents the Philistine cities. God calls on the Philistines and the Egyptians to witness what is going to happen to Samaria, to see the judgement that would befall her. Israel was on display to the world. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says the same about us, His disciples. We are on display to the world to demonstrate the work of God. If we are faithful to God, then the world will see His faithfulness to us, His blessing upon His people. If we are unfaithful, as Israel was unfaithful, then the world will see God’s judgement upon His people. Either way, we are a witness to the world, one way or another. The Israel of Amos’ day did not “know how to do right”. Violence and robbery characterised the nation.

Because of her disobedience Israel would be overrun by an enemy. Her strongholds would be pulled down, and her fortresses plundered. When a people disobey the Lord they establish their own sources of strength and wealth, seeking to protect and enrich themselves. They may have great confidence in these strongholds, but against the judgement of the Lord they are utterly worthless.
If a lion attacked a lamb, there would not be much of the lamb left. So only a small remnant of Israel would be left. Virtually all of her wealth would be taken.


God reminds them who they are, descendants of Jacob. We need to know who we are, and that is disciples of Jesus. The WWJD mantra is perhaps a bit trite, but it can also be useful to check ourselves. Are we living as Jesus wants us to live? Bethel was the place where Jacob received his vision (Genesis 28:10-22). In this vision God makes promises to Jacob, and Jacob commits himself to the Lord. But now the altars of Bethel would be destroyed. The winter and summer houses, and ivory represent the accumulated wealth of the people. There is nothing wrong in itself with wealth, but this had been accumulated dishonestly, and was not used righteously, so it would be taken away.

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