
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Luke 24:48-53 - Great joy!

The disciples had been witnesses to the things that had happened. They had been with Jesus, seen Him do and teach all sorts of things. They had witnessed the suffering, now they had witnessed the resurrection. Jesus would send the “what my Father has promised”. This is the Holy Spirit, and this is prophesied in Joel 2:28-32. Peter referred to Joel in his first sermon. Jesus then instructs them to stay in the city until they are clothed with power from on high. This happened at Pentecost. We are meant to be clothed with power. Now, this does not mean we become super beings or have an easy life. The early Christians were still men and women! They were persecuted, with most of the apostles dying for their faith. But they also had power. This involved doing miracles, it involved powerful preaching, it involved effective evangelism.


Jesus then led them to Bethany and lifted up His hands and blessed them. Jesus was then taken up to heaven. There is no indication of when this took place, and many more details are given in Acts (also written by Luke). Why does Luke round things off so suddenly? He is marking the end of one phase and the beginning of another. In John’s gospel Jesus stresses to the disciples that it is good, even essential, that He goes away so that the Holy Spirit will come. Luke is stressing the same message. The departure of Christ was a good thing, which is why the disciples worshipped Him with great joy. Note the importance of worshipping Jesus. If Jesus was not God, then it would indeed be blasphemy to worship Him. So they stayed at the temple praising God, and in Acts the next phase, the phase we are still in, begins.

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