
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Hebrews 1:13,14 - Ministering spirits

Now we come to Psalm 110, and the writer is using it in the same manner that Jesus used it (as pointed out in my comments on 1:10-12). So we need have no qualms whatsoever in applying this to Jesus, for Jesus Himself did the very same. The consistent message in the Old Testament is that the Messiah is Lord, He is God,He is Lord of all.


Having refuted any wrong notions of angels the writer now gives angels their proper place. “They are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” If we think about this it is quite amazing really, even more so if we think a little about the underlying assumptions. Angels are powerful, they are spiritual beings, but their purpose is to serve us. Notice that this puts us on a different level to the angels. Psalm 8 says precisely this. We are currently “lower” than the angels, but we were made to rule over the works of God’s hands. We were created in the image of God. We were created to have dominion and to be fruitful (Gen 1:28). We should appreciate who we are and what we are to become. If ever we are tempted to worship angels then we are fools.

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