
Friday 13 November 2015

Philippians 1:21-24 - To live is Christ, to die is gain

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”. Paul had a completely different perspective on the situation. Believing in Jesus is not just accepting a set of ideas, nor is it just a feeling, an emotional reaction. It is about being committed to the Son of God, to the One who conquered death and paid for all our sins. So, this life now is all about living for Jesus, playing our part in fulfilling the great commission. Now see that in v22 Paul says “If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labour for me”. He has no doubt about the matter. If God lets him live then his life will bring forth fruit. Note that in John 15 Jesus says that if we abide in Him we will be fruitful, not that we might be fruitful. So faith in Christ affects this life. But it also means that death holds no fear, for death is not the end, it means that we will be with Christ and that is “far better”. So from a purely self-interested perspective for Paul death is the more favourable option by far.
As an aside, people often talk about seeing loved ones again after we die. Now we will see those who die in Christ, but the prospect of this is never given as a motivation in the Bible, at least I cannot think of any off hand. The motivation is being with Christ, being like Him. Just something for us to ponder.

Paul thinks that it is better for the Philippians if he remains alive here on earth. Acts 28 leaves Paul still in captivity. We do not know for sure what happened, but the likelihood is that Paul was released, then rearrested sometime later and put to death after that.

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