
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Esther 1 - A right royal row

Why did God put this book in the Bible when He doesn't get so much as a mention? The fact that God isn't mentioned, and that neither is prayer nor worship has led some to dismiss the book as being of little value. Such an approach is garbage. This book is a reminder that God does not always act in a "religious" way in our lives. He guides us in many ways. He speaks to us through His word. We know we should love, we should worship, we should pray, we should witness, we should give, we should forgive, and so on. And if we do these things we will find that we are in the will of God. Occasionally God will speak to us directly, be it through the inner witness of the Spirit, a word of prophecy, a vision or whatever. But at other times things will just seem pretty random, there will be no clear indication that God is in the midst of it all, and yet He is there achieving His purposes, sometimes through you and me. Esther is such an occasion.
The king was holding a prolonged celebration, largely of his own wealth and greatness. Then he had a row with his queen. This angered the king and Vashti banished from his presence. Moreover an edict was sent around the kingdom that a man should ruler over his own household.
So this is how things began to unfold. God works in mysterious ways!

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