
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Job 21 - Do the wicked prosper?

Job calls on them to listen to him, then they can continue to  mock if they so wish.
Job's complaint is not with men it is with God. 
All their talk of the wicked being punished is fine, but in practice we see that often the wicked do seem to prosper, they do seem to live at ease.
So what are we to make of all this? Job is speaking part of the truth, but not all of it. In the present age we do see the wicked fall, sometimes. We also see many evil people just seeming to get away with it. We need to face up to both. Why has Mugabe been allowed to live for so long? Why hasn't God judged him yet?
There are two partial answers to this (the general question, not the particular one about Mugabe). The first part is that God has delegated a significant amount of administering of justice to men. Our courts and legal systems have a duty to administer justice (and mercy). They need to remember that they actually act on God's behalf. Now because we are sinful men this is always done imperfectly. Some systems are fairly good, some are utterly corrupt.
The second part of the answer is hell and the final judgement. There will be judgement on the last day when there will be no more hiding, no more bribing. Hell is actually good news!

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