
Sunday 11 May 2014

Ezra 7:1-10 - Ezra arrives

While this is called the book of Ezra, it is chapter 7 before he appears on the scene. We then get the genealogy of Ezra, and it goes right back to Aaron. Now note first of all that genealogy is not complete, they were not given to be a complete family tree, but to draw attention to particular points. So if there are two genealogies for a particular person (eg Jesus!) and there are some differences it does not mean the genealogies are wrong, what it means is that the different writers wanted to emphasise different points. The key point with Ezra is that he is a descendant of Aaron. The land needed a priest, and Ezra is providing the priestly leadership. In Christ we have our great high priest.
Being a priest did not mean he just performed religious ceremonies, for he was also a teacher. In 1 and 2 Timothy one of the qualities of an elder is the ability to teach the gospel. We need preaching, proclamation, prophecy and teaching. Teaching is one of the gifts that sets people free. 
It had taken Ezra four months to travel from Babylon to Jerusalem. Note that God's hand of favour was on him because he studied and observed the Law. We need to be both hearers and doers of the word (James 1:22).
See also the parallels with Jesus. As I have already mentioned, He is our great high priest (Heb 4:14-16). Jesus is the fulfilment of the Law (Matt 5:17), and He is our teacher (John 13:13).

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