
Tuesday 8 April 2014

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - Caring as a father

Paul had had to abort his visit to Thessalonica because of the opposition, but it had still achieved results. Despite the opposition, following on from the opposition encountered in Philippi, they preached the gospel. If the gospel had been a means of making money or achieving fame then Paul and his companions would have given up a long time ago and gone for an easier method! Instead, they spoke as men chosen by God fulfilling God's task.
This affected their inward motivation and their outward actions. They did not use trickery nor flattery in trying to win the Thessalonians, but spoke and acted openly. Moreover, they acted humbly. Pride and self-seeking are often the marks of false teachers.
Paul was motivated by care for the people. This involved practical actions, working to support themselves instead of asking for money. The lives of Paul and his co-workers were testimony to what they were doing. With regard to the people, they dealt with them as a father deals with children, seeking to encourage them, help them, and urge them to live lives worthy of the Lord. We have been called into His kingdom and glory.

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