
Monday 3 February 2014

Luke 20:41-21:4 - Understanding

Now Jesus gives the religious leaders a lesson in Biblical exegesis. He quotes from Psalm 110, a well known messianic Psalm, pointing to the words "The Lord said to my Lord". Jesus is showing that the promised Messiah is one who is much greater than David. They were expecting someone like David, and were offended by Jesus being so much greater. Everything in the Old Testament is a shadow of what was to come, the reality, the fulfilment, is much greater.
Then Jesus turned to the crowds. Maybe they were enjoying seeing the religious leaders brought down a peg or two. Maybe they resented the proud way in which the religious leaders went around the place, with an air of superiority. Jesus warns the people about the true nature of the religious leaders, and their eventual judgement. Sadly the people would a few days later side with these corrupt leaders in calling for Barabas to be released rather than Jesus.
The example of the poor widow further exemplifies what is truly important. In struct financial terms the widows offering was irrelevant but in fact she had given more than everyone else, for she had given out of her poverty. Her heart was truly devoted to God.

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