
Monday 19 August 2013

Luke 3:1-7 - John the Baptist

We now jump even further ahead and get right into the heart of the story with John the Baptist preparing the way. Luke has outlined the birth stories of both John and Jesus, showing that the events that happened did not just happen to two random people, or people who ceased the moment, but for something that had been long in preparation. Indeed, the events had been in preparation since before the beginning of time. The events outlined here probably happened in around 25,26 AD. In 1961 archaeologists unearthed a stone step that bore the inscription "Pontius Pilate, Prefect". Annas and Caiaphas were the high priests. Caiaphas was the official high priest. Annas had earlier been deposed by Rome, but was recognised by the Jews, hence Luke mentions both names.
Luke, like Mark, quotes from Isaiah 40:3-5. Before a king visited a place the roads were improved to make the journey of the king better. John would prepare the way be preaching a message of repentance. It is still true today that we make it easier to get to know God if we repent. We need to apply this message to ourselves. When we are struggling, or God seems miles away, it may be that we need to repent of something. We also need to apply it to the world. The world needs to repent. We should not be going along with the ways of the world, for the way of the world leads only to death.

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