
Sunday 19 May 2013

Psalm 127 - Building with God

This Psalm is ascribed to Solomon, though not all manuscripts do so. However, the content looks very much as if it comes from Solomon, the reference to building being very appropriate with his building of the temple.
Solomon knew that all his efforts were in vain unless the Lord was behind the building work. Notice the pattern here. The Lord builds and we build, the Lord watches and we watch. So often we do one or the other, but not both. We sit back and expect the Lord to do everything, or we try and do everything forgetting about the Lord. God created us to live and work in partnership with Him. 
If we try and do everything in our own strength then we are wasting our time and effort. We can put as much effort into things as we like, they will not succeed. Moreover, we will suffer much anxiety and lose a lot of sleep. Life is not meant to be like this, for the Lord grants sleep to those whom He loves.
Children are a blessing from the Lord, a heritage and a reward. There is a generational aspect to the advance of the kingdom. We build not just for our own time but for future generations as well.

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