
Friday 1 February 2013

Mark 8:14-21 - Worry about the right things

The disciples forgot to take bread with them when they crossed the lake. Jesus made a comment about yeast. This bore no relation to the lack of bread, but was a reference to the teaching and attitudes of the Pharisees and Saducees. However, the disciples were convinced that Jesus was angry with them for not bringing any bread.
This reveals a lot about human psychology. If we feel guilty about something then we are very sensitive to anything that might possibly be construed as being related to that area. The disciples assumed Jesus was annoyed with them.
It also contains teaching on daily needs. The feeding of the 4000 and the 5000 (and, by the way, this comment by Jesus confirms that they were two separate incidents) shows that immediate lack of food is not a problem. We very easily let concerns  about daily needs distract us from what really matters. They can consume our minds, making it impossible for us to think straight.
The disciples then did understand what Jesus was really talking about.
As an aside, just because you feel guilty about something, does not mean that God is getting at you on that matter. He may be concerned about something altogether different.
[These comments can also be found on my post on the parallel passage in Matthew].

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