
Thursday 29 November 2012

Colossians 2:9-15 - Set Free

Christ is all we need, "for in Him dwells the whole fullness of deity". That means that everything there is to know about God is in Christ. He is God, and He demonstrates and reveals everything of God.
Moreover we have been filled with the Spirit of Christ. So what more do we need? He has all power and authority, He has all wisdom. So we need fear nothing. The so-called clever teachings of men are actually influenced by "elemental spirits". Their root lies in the devil, not in God.
Alongside the Gnostics, the Judaisers sought to get people to be circumcised. Again we have no need of this. We have been "circumcised" by the Spirit in our hearts. What need do we have of any physical circumcision? What is it going to add to us? IF we live by the Spirit we do not live by the flesh.
We were buried with Christ in baptism, and raised with Him through faith. We start to experience new life now, and we will be raised from the dead when Christ returns. 
Once sin ruled over us, but now the we are free from sin. This does not mean that we are perfect yet, or never sin, but we are starting to gain the victory. We have been made alive.
Christ did this by cancelling the charge that stood against us, nailing it to the cross. The Law declared us sinners deserving of death. This is what gave the enemy power over us. Look at all man's attempts to be free. They are all rooted in trying to overcome this judgement in one way or another. The religious types seek to do so by strict observance of some code or other, and it always results in failure. Atheists seek to try and prove that there is no God. Hedonists seek to drown out the noise with pleasure. In all sorts of ways the rulers ans authorities have power over man. But on the cross they were disarmed, openly. No longer is there any charge against us. So we are free to live for Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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