
Saturday 14 July 2012

Romans 5:16-21 - Reigning in life

Adam's sin led to all sinning and dying. The gift of God's grace is even greater in its effect. Adam's sin brought condemnation, all were brought under judgement. The gift of grace followed many trespasses and brought justification.
We all know that death is inevitable, no one in their right mind doubts it. The effects of God's grace are even more certain. We receive an abundance of grace, not just a little bit. We receive the free gift of righteousness, we are justified. And so we reign in life. See that it is not just a matter of being forgiven, and it is certainly not a matter of a "ticket to heaven". Some have said that it would be enough if God had just forgiven us. This is actually not true. God's goal is that we reign in life.
All the trouble stemmed from the act of one man, likewise all the glory stems from the act of one man. Now we need to appreciate that this is not just a matter of an automatic thing. It is Adam's sin that brought death and condemnation into the world, but we know that we have all sinned are fully deserving of the judgement in our own right. So, with Christ we all need to believe, and to live the life. 
Grace reigns through righteousness and leads to eternal life through Christ. Our being forgiven is the essential starting point of reigning in life, but it is only the starting point. It is the starting point of a new life.

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