
Monday 6 February 2012

Matthew 23:27-39 - Listen to the prophets

The theme of outward appearance against what is inside continues. To touch a grave made someone unclean, so graves were whitewashed to make them easily visible. So a grave looked fine, but inside was rotting flesh and dead bones. The Pharisees were no different.

The Pharisees venerated the prophets of old, but refused to listen to John or Jesus. They claimed they would have listened where their ancestors had failed to do so, but in reality they were no better. We need to be wary of this one. While we need to be discerning about anything claiming to be a "new move of God", we also need to be aware that whenever God does anything new, people usually react against it. 

Throughout the ages, including the present one that the Pharisees were in, men had killed and persecuted the servants of God. So judgement would come upon them. 

The tragedy was that if only Jerusalem had listened to the prophets she would have been saved.

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