
Wednesday 28 December 2011

Isaiah 25:1-8 - Salvation for all who believe

Isaiah breaks out in a song of praise to God. Why does he do this? It is because he sees how God's plans are going to work out. It looks as though all is lost. Israel and every other nation is lost in sin and judgement is the only thing coming their way. Yet this is not how things work out. There is judgement, but there is also salvation, and the glory of the Lord fills the earth. 

The key phrase is "in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things. things planned long ago". This is a theme that lies behind much of the apostle Paul's writings.

The strong will be brought low, and God will look after the poor and needy. 

Verses 6-8 are looking forward to the cross. A banquet is prepared for all nations. All nations are worthy of judgement and condemnation, but likewise the salvation offered by God in Christ is available for all. Through the cross He destroys the shroud that envelops all peoples, and He removes all disgrace.

See how this salvation comes out of seeming disaster. When we look at events around us we often see disaster. We need to know that disaster is not the last word, salvation is the last word.

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