
Saturday 22 October 2011

Psalm 78:8-72 - Do not be rebellious

We need to listen and learn, then we will not be stubborn and rebellious. If we love God then we will be teachable. Pride is the root of our rebellion against God, humility is vital to restoring that relationship.
Ephraim sometimes refers to the northern kingdom, but here seems to be applying to Israel in general. Forgetting what God has done, not keeping his commands turns us into cowards. If we want to be really bold, then we need to meditate on the word of God and to do the word of God. David was one of the bravest men that has lived, and he was also a man who dwelt upon the word of God.
The Psalmist reminds them of the acts that God carried out in bringing them through the Red Sea and afterwards. They tested God. When God brought water out of a rock they asked if He could also bring bread. When people have a rebellious spirit it does not matter what one does, it will never be enough. God even gave them what they wanted, but it still was not enough. If we have a rebellious or grumbling streak within us we need to get rid of it quickly.
The Israelites refused to learn. Time and time again they would go through the same cycle of rebel, suffer, be rescued. But they never truly repented.
God brought them through the desert, and into the promised land. He led them in victory, but still they did not learn.
The end of the Psalm talks about God choosing David. The nation of Israel had failed, so David was chosen. Perhaps there is a parallel here between Israel failing to recognise Jesus, and the gospel then going out to the Gentiles.
The key lesson of all this is that it is the condition of our hearts that counts.

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