
Thursday 21 July 2011

Deuteronomy 9:7-29 - Determined to save

The Israelites were to remember the good things the Lord had done for them, they also needed to remember the bad things that they had done, and the consequences of them, particularly the Lord's judgement. 
When Moses had gone up the mountain, he dedicated himself to God. He was fasting and received the tablets of stone from the Lord with the ten commandments on them. 
Meanwhile, the people had become corrupt, having made a golden calf. The Lord was willing to destroy the people, and make a new nation out of Moses. Moses too was angry, so angry that he smashed the stone tablets into pieces. He then fasted and prayed to the Lord for another forty days and nights. It was Moses' intercession that saved the people. They needed to remember this. We too need to remember that it is Jesus' intercession for us that saves us. It is only because of Christ that we do not face judgement.
We see here how determined Moses was that God should save this people. How much more is Jesus determined that God should save us? He has paid a much higher price than Moses paid. Jesus is determined to save us. Now we must not take this for granted, we must not think that this means that we can act and live how we like. Just as Moses pleaded with the Israelites to learn from their sins, so we are to learn from ours. Then we will receive the full benefits of the cross.

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