
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Psalm 69 - Rescue me

David is in trouble again! He feels like the flood waters are completely engulfing him. He has been in this situation for some time, having called out to God and looked to God many times. When difficulties start sometimes we feel OK at the outset, believing that God will rescue us, but then His answer seems to be a long time coming, and  the stress of the situation starts to catch up with us. Suddenly God seems far away and to be paying no attention, while our problems seem to be getting worse.
In difficult time we become more aware of our own weaknesses, sins and failings. So it was with David. God was aware of all this long before we were. We come to a God who is fully aware of our sin, yet still loves us.
When we are struggling, those around us may suffer as well, such as our family, people in church etc. David prays that his difficulties will not lead to problems for anyone else.
David was an object of scorn. There are also references here to Jesus' sufferings on the cross. Of course, Jesus did not have any "folly" of His own, but all our sin was placed upon Him.  Many mocked Him on the cross.
David was in trouble now, but believed that a time of favour would still come. The same applies to us. Even if God seems far away just now, there will come a time when we are fully aware of His favour again. David reminds God of how difficult he is finding things.
He prays for his enemies plans to be all turned back on them. Sometimes we tend to skip over these sorts of verses, but we need to remember that we are in a battle, and we should pray for the defeat of our enemies. Yet at the same time we need to remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against spiritual forces. People are not the enemy, even if they are being used by Satan. On the cross Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified Him, as did Stephen when he was being stoned.

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