
Sunday 23 January 2011

Matthew 9:1-8 - The authority to forgive

Jesus then arrived at his "own town", i.e.  Capernaum (Matt 4:13). His reputation had clearly gone before Him and crowds gathered. Some men brought a paralysed man to Jesus. Mark tells us that they had actually lowered the man through the roof in order to get to Jesus. Matthew is much more focused on the theological significance of the events. 
Jesus saw the faith of the friends and declared to the man that his sins were forgiven. Now this may or may not indicate that there was a direct relationship between his condition and sin. All sickness is ultimately a result of the fall, and some sickness is a direct result of sin, but we cannot say that all sickness is directly related to an individuals sin (see what Jesus says elsewhere, such as John 9). However, when one is suffering there can be a feeling that we are under judgement. 
We also need to bear in mind that Jesus knew what the effect of His words would be, and what would happen next. Moreover, the general view would have been that the man's illness was a result of sin (John 9:2). 
So when Jesus declared forgiveness the rabbis said among themselves that Jesus was blaspheming. 
Now this might seem a reasonable reaction to have, but Jesus calls these evil thoughts. Then in order to demonstrate that He does indeed have the authority to forgive sins, Jesus tells the man to get up and walk, and the man does so.
So we have seen authority over demons, sickness, the elements, and sin.

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