
Friday 8 October 2010

1 Corinthians 12:12-21 - One body, many parts

The Corinthians were focused on "what I can do", "me". Paul teaches them to be focused on the body of Christ. In our very individualistic society we need to do the same. Individuals are important of course. Jesus was an individual, He dealt with individuals, but the church is His body. We need each other, we only find our true identity with each other.
The church is one body, but it is made up of many different parts. The human body reflects this, in it having many different parts, but the different parts make no sense on their own. They only have meaning in the context of the body as a whole, and function properly in the context of the body as a whole. Sometimes people consider themselves superior, or not part of the body at all. They may well say or think this, but they are talking or thinking nonsense. Equally some ministries or gifts may consider themselves better than others, or even the only one that really matters. This too is nonsense. Suppose all we had was evenagelists, or only healers, or only preachers, or only children's workers, or whatever. This would be a nonsense.
All are needed, and all are dependent upon each other. God may be giving you great fruitfulness, but if you look more closely you will see that that effectiveness comes only because of the work of many others as well. Take preaching. A preacher is only effective if the people are hungry for God. Why will they be hungry? Because of the work of many others. And after the message has been preached how is it going to take root in the lives of the people and bear fruit? Again because of the work of many others.
Suppose an evangelists leads many to Christ. Who got them to a place where they could hear in the first place? And after they chose to follow Christ who is going to teach them to become disciples?

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