
Thursday 13 May 2010

Acts 14:8-28

On to Lystra where they came across a man who had been lame since birth. The man was listening to Paul and Paul saw that the man had faith. So Paul called to the man and told him to get up on his feet. The man did this and began to walk.

There are a number of interesting observations:
1. How did Paul know that the man had faith?
2. Paul did not make a simple appeal, but picked out the man deliberately.
3. When we have faith previously impossible things suddenly become possible.

The crowd were amazed and proclaimed that Paul and Barnabas were gods, in particular Hermes and Zeus. People need to see, they also need to have things explained to them, otherwise they will not understand correctly. Barnabas and Paul were shocked at what was happening, and so explained to the people. 

They told them that they needed to turn from their worthless way of life. Note the challenge that Paul brought. He also taught the people to be grateful for the good things that God has given them.

As usual the Jews acted with jealousy and fear. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city. They thought he was dead, but Paul seems to have got up remarkably quickly, and back into the city.  Then they left for Derbe..

They preached the good news in Derbe and won many people over. After that they returned to Antioch, revisiting the places they had been to. They warned the disciples that being a Christian was not easy. They set up leaderships in each of the churches. They also preached in some new places.

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