
Sunday 18 January 2009

John 10:7-21

Jesus now likens Himself to both the gate and the shepherd. He is the gate for the sheep, ie He is the only way to the Father, the only way into the kingdom of God. Jesus may be referring back to Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34, passages which condemn the false prophets and bad shepherds. Or He might be referring to the false messiahs who had lived in Israel.

When we come to Jesus we find pasture, ie we find security and are able to go about our lives. Jesus brings the freedom to live. Cults and other false teachings brings bondage, they enslave people, often with fear. Even in the Christian church teachings can arise that make people slaves to fear. If a teaching does this, then it is not of God. The enemy comes to take away life, Jesus comes to give life. The more we know Him the more we will know true life.

The key feature of Jesus is that He lays down His life for the sheep. We are His, He is not a hired hand who is only doing a job. Jesus is passionately committed to us, He loves us deeply. Therefore we can be confident in His care, knowing that He will not forget about us or abandon us. We need to meditate on the love that Jesus has for us.

Moreover the sheperd knows us and know Him (Jer 31:14). The good news is not about following a code, or believing a creed (though it does matter what we believe), but about knowing God and being known by God. The other sheep probably refers to the Gentiles believers, ie us. Note the centrality of Jesus to all this. Jesus does not call us to a teaching, but to Himself.

The Father loves the Son because of His obedience. Jesus would soon lay down His life for the sheep. This is one of the few passages where it talks about Jesus raising Himself, normally it is the Father who is referred to as raising the Son.

This talk of dying and rising caused confusion amongs the Jews. Some thought He was demon possessed, others could not believe that this was true,

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