We now get a song that essentially covers God’s involvement in David’s life, and David’s experience of the Lord. This song is almost (but not quite) identical to Psalm 18. Note that David sang to the Lord, there was a personal relationship between David and the Lord, and this very clearly comes out in the Psalms of David. It is also worth noting that David makes the emphasis on the Lord having “delivered him from the hand of all his enemies”. We all face difficulties in life, indeed life can seem to be one difficulty after another! Normal Biblical experience is one of experiencing the Lord delivering us from a series of difficulties! Note also that it is through this that we develop an ever closer relationship with the Lord. One final point on this verse, note that David never saw Saul as his enemy. He knew full well that Saul caused him many problems, and much danger. But David always saw Saul as “the Lord’s anointed”, and David knew that God had delivered him “from the hand of Saul”.
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer ...” When facing trouble David looked to the Lord. Sadly, this was not often the case with the nation of Israel as a whole. A key failing of the nation was that when faced with danger they would turn to other nations or to idols for help, and this never ended well. David sought the Lord, and saw the Lord as his refuge, his rock. And the dangers that David faced were real physical dangers.