
Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year Message 2012 - Purpose and Knowing

Have you noticed that whenever God met someone He gave them a purpose? When He met Abraham He told him to leave his land and that all nations would be blessed through him. When He met Moses He told Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. When He met Gideon He gave him the task of toppling the idol and defeating the Midianites. When Jesus met the disciples He told them to follow Him. When Jesus met Peter after the resurrection He told him to feed His sheep. When He met Paul (or Saul as he then was) He gave him the task of taking the gospel to the Gentiles.

In His last words in Matthew Jesus gave us all the task of making disciples of all peoples, and promised He would be with us to the end of the age.

Knowing God is intimately linked with knowing and fulfilling His purpose for us.

May this be a year when we know God and His purpose for our lives.

No matter what your circumstances or situation you are one of the most important people on the planet.

Knowing God is the way to discover your purpose, and in fulfilling your purpose you can get to know God better.

Happy New Year

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