
Tuesday 27 September 2011

Joshua 1:1-6 - Moses is Dead

Joshua had been Moses' assistant for many years, now he was to take over and to lead the people into the Promised Land. "Moses my servant is dead". Joshua had served under Moses for forty years, now he had to act differently, for now he was the leader. Moses was dead, so there could be no waiting for Moses to make decisions. Sometimes we try to live in the present as if circumstances were the same as they were in the past. We need to recognise when circumstances have changed, and to adapt accordingly. 
"Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them - to the Israelites". This highlights some important points about leadership. First, a leader has to take people with him. Secondly the promise is for all the people. Leading is not about fulfilling your own ambitions, it is about God fulfilling His plans for many people through you.
God was giving them all the land, everywhere where they set their feet. In order to take land we need to set our feet in the land. If we do not go somewhere we will never see the fulfillment of God's plans.
God promised to be with Joshua, just as He had been with Moses. So Joshua had to be strong and courageous. So again we see that Joshua needed to do something in order to experience the reality of God's presence.

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