
Monday 12 September 2011

1 John 3:11-15 - Love

Cain and Abel are an example that serves as a warning, and an indication of how things will be.
We are not to be like Cain. Abel gave the first fruits of his work to God, whereas Cain just gave an offering to God as an afterthought. The real problem arose in Cain's reaction when it became apparent that God approved of Abel's actions, but  not of his. Instead of learning from this, repenting and seeking to become like Abel, he killed Abel. We need to avoid this reaction in ourselves. Now we may not be tempted to go as far as killing someone, but when we do something wrong, and someone else does things right, we very easily react by trying to defend ourselves, or to do down the other person. We need to be on our guard, and if we find this sort of reaction emerging in us, then we need to repent quickly.
Cain and Abel is also an example of how things will be. There will be those who condemn us for doing right. 
Conversely, love for each other is a reliable sign that we know Christ. The absence of this love is a sign that there is a major problem.

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