
Friday 9 September 2011

1 John 3:1 - You are a child of God

Why would anyone want to abandon faith in Christ? What or who could possibly give us anything better? The Father has lavished His love upon us. He not given us a mere morsel, but has pored out His love on us in abundance. We start to drift, or worse, when we forget how much God has done for us, is doing for us, and will do for us. That is why in the Psalms we are encouraged to meditate on the Lord's love and goodness. We need to spend time thinking and contemplating about these things, let the reality of it soak into our very being. 
We are children of God. We need to shout this out. We are children of the living God! Consider anything that is opposing Christ, or is tempting you away from God. What are they offering? What does atheism offer? It tells you are you are the product of blind random chance. What do things like Buddhism offer? They deny your personal identity. What does materialism offer? A few baubles that will one be destroyed (along with you).
We are the most blessed people on earth. May God open our eyes to realise this and to see its implications for everyday lives.

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